Using Bidding Directories For SEO Purposes
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Building links can sometimes be rather difficult if you are trying to locate sites that allow you to link to your website from their homepage.
Linking to a site’s homepage is usually the most ideal option as far as SEO is concerned. So how do you acquire good links that are well optimized from other websites homepages?
It’s simple: you submit your link to a bidding directory! These are awesome tools to help you acquire a link that can be featured on the actual homepage of the web directory instead of just a link tucked away somewhere in a category page. Most category pages are not even SEO friendly past the first page in the category. So being able to have control over where your link is placed is quite surely a very cool feature of bidding directories.
Using Bidding Directories to Build Page Rank
When most people build links in directories they are usually trying to improve their current search engine rankings or they are trying to increase the Google Page Rank of their website. Bidding Directories are extremely ideal for increasing the Page Rank of a website because directories will 99% of the time have the highest Page Rank on their homepage. Most of the time a homepage link from a directory would be impossible, but with a bidding directory you can actually bid your way to the homepage which is where the top 10 bidders links are displayed.
So if a bidding directory is displaying 10 links on the homepage and you want to take over one of those spots, you just need to outbid the person who is currently in that spot. Your link will remain on the homepage until another person outbids you at which time you can either out bid the person and reclaim your spot, or you can just let you link slip back into the category pages.
If you can keep your homepage position for any extended amount of time, then you can expect that whatever Page Rank the homepage of the bidding directory has, that your site will receive the same or close to the same Page Rank during the next Google update.
Submitting Your Link to a Bidding Directory
Submitting to a bidding directory is almost exactly the same as submitting your link to a normal directory, except for the fact that your bid amount is going to directly affect the placement of your link within the directory.
So the title and description of your link submission should be optimized for a keyword from your site, just like any other link building technique. Also, if deep links are available, which they are for a lot of bidding directories, then you should take advantage of these kinds of links.
Deep links are links that will point to an inner page of your website instead of just pointing back to your homepage like a normal directory usually does. So if you are going to build deep links then make sure that you are using the keyword from the inner page as your title for your deeplink, doing this will ensure the highest form of optimization for your link submission.
Bidding directories are an awesome source for building quality links to your website for better overall rankings!
Source by Cristian Stan
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