The Strength of Each of the Bakugan Attributes
The Strength of Each of the Bakugan Attributes Welcome, dear visitors, to your educational and cultural platform (eklil almarfh). We welcome you among the flowers of creativity and the nectar of brotherhood. And we hope that your visit to the platform will be of benefit and achieve the required purpose of the visit.
Colors, affiliations, or groups seem to be a dominant factor in shows with battles and duels. Bakugan is the same. The Bakugan and the support pieces of the game also follow certain groupings, each with their strengths and weaknesses when in a brawl. These divisions are called Attributes, pertaining to the representations of the natural elements. There are six: Pyrus (fire), Aquos (water), Subterra (earth), Ventus (wind), Haos (light), and Darkus (darkness).
The Pyrus Attribute is considered as the most powerful of the six. It represents the element of fire, and the abilities of the Pyrus Bakugan usually uses this element in their attacks and defenses. The main attack of the characters of the Pyrus attribute is to usually overpower the enemy using strong fiery strikes. And the Pyrus defensive tactic is usually to render the opponent unable to attack and with their abilities nullified. Bakugan of the Pyrus Attribute are colored red, yellow, and/or orange.
The Aquos Attribute represents the element of water, and the abilities of the Bakugan of this attribute uses water as its form of offense and defense. Its colors are blue, red, and/or cyan. In using Aquos Bakugan in a brawl, the generally accepted tactic would be by using different strategies to boost the Bakugan’s power or to decrease the opponent’s. Most Aquos players would at first put in play a Bakugan with low power and then increase it with abilities and Gate cards as the game progresses.
The Subterra Attribute represents the element of earth, and the Bakugan of this attribute are usually built for earthen attacks and abilities. Its colors are brown and orange. In putting a Subterra Bakugan in play, the main strategy would be a direct and straightforward overpowering attack. It is like Pyrus in this way, using strength and force to win a brawl.
The Ventus Attribute represents the element of wind. Many of the Bakugan of this Attribute are usually creatures of the sky. Its abilities and attacks uses the air and the wind. Its colors are green and cyan. Strategies involving Ventus Bakugan are usually calculated and cunning, playing out a fast and effective game plan. Many strategies involve luring opponents and making them believe they have the upper hand, and then suddenly in comes in an ability that would turn the battle in the Ventus brawler’s favor.
The Haos Attribute represents light, and has the colors of white and gold/yellow. The Bakugan of this Attribute usually have low power levels, which enables a Haos brawler to use strategy as a means to win a brawl. They also have very strong Ability cards to further strengthen their attacks and defenses.
The Darkus Attribute comes close to the Pyrus Attribute as also one of the most powerful. It has the colors of purple, green, and black. The Bakugan of this Attribute sometimes have red streaks on them. It is an advantage to a Darkus brawler that there are many varieties of abilities and strategies available for a Darkus Bakugan. With its many attacks, high power level, and various strategies, it is not surprising why this attribute is usually reserved for the villain of the Bakugan series.
One thing is for certain when brawling. Whatever Attribute you choose, strategy is still important in winning a brawl. Each Attribute has its own advantages and disadvantages but it will always be the strategy you use that will conclude who will win in a game.
Source by Anna Poelo
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