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Show Your Support And Raise Lung Cancer Awareness

Show Your Support And Raise Lung Cancer Awareness Welcome, dear visitors, to your educational and cultural platform (eklil almarfh). We welcome you among the flowers of creativity and the nectar of brotherhood. And we hope that your visit to the platform will be of benefit and achieve the required purpose of the visit.

Self-Awareness of Lung Cancer

The more you know about the disease, the easier it is to support and raise awareness. Though this is the leading cancer killer all over the globe, responsible for nearly 30 percent of all cancer deaths each year, it gets very little attention. November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month – time to enhance people’s knowledge about the disease and the importance of early diagnosis to reduce the risk.

Educate People about the Consequences of Smoking

Smoking causes nearly 80 percent of all cases of deaths. Exposure to second-hand smoke also increases the risk among nonsmokers. Spread knowledge among the general public about the danger of using cigarettes or tobacco products!

Support through Social Media

You can show your support on Facebook or Twitter – as media plays a vital role in spreading a message. Share inspiring stories of survivors, caregivers and families of those who have been diagnosed with lung cancer. To commemorate this month, you can even change your cover photo.

Donate for Research

Hundreds of nonprofit organizations like the Lung Cancer Research Foundation conduct various programs to collect donations for research, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. You can also participate in any of their.

Early Diagnosis Can Reduce the Risk

We often listen to friends, family and people we trust when deciding if our symptoms are serious enough to consult a physician. Have a discussion and make them aware of the disease. Ask them to see a doctor to avoid further complications.


Enquire with your local government authorities about their action plan for lung cancer research. Ask the general public to send messages to the authorities. The more people send messages about this type, the more likely it is for them to act on it.

Host Awareness Campaign

Organizing awareness campaigns is one of the best ways to show your support and bring certain issues to the attention of a large group of people. Host a campaign in your community and make people aware this type, its implications, treatment options available, etc. Share the stories of cancer survivors which to give hope and courage to people. Use customized silicone wristbands as giveaways in your campaign as they are perfect for everyday wear. They are easily available online and there is a variety of options for you to choose from – types, colors, fonts, sizes and styles. White is the recognized color for lung cancer. Get white wristbands and personalize them with inspirational awareness messages.

Whatever you do, the ultimate goal is to make everyone aware of the seriousness of this problem and protect future generations!

Source by Billie Jean Bateson
In the end Show Your Support And Raise Lung Cancer Awareness, we hope that our service on the “eklil almarfh” website will be to your satisfaction and admiration, and we are keen to help the honorable visitor by answering the questions that are asked on the platform.

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