Shared Web Hosting on Linux Servers With CPanel
Shared Web Hosting on Linux Servers With CPanel Welcome, dear visitors, to your educational and cultural platform (eklil almarfh). We welcome you among the flowers of creativity and the nectar of brotherhood. And we hope that your visit to the platform will be of benefit and achieve the required purpose of the visit.
While most of these providers offer managed data backup services for your website files and database, one of the main considerations that you have to look into is if you can restore lost files using your backup copies in a matter of minutes, instead of submitting a ticket and lose valuable time.
Shared Linux cPanel Web host packages, depending on the provider, can offer you a minimum disk space of 200 MB to a maximum of 10GB. However, it is best to check with the provider how much space would your website need so as not to under utilize or over estimate your disk space requirements. It is better to go for limited disk space than unlimited storage, since this tells you that the provider maintains well-regulated shared hardware resources.
Another important feature is the monthly bandwidth allocation that is implemented into the cPanel Web hosting plan. Most providers will give you the figures in the amount of data transferred per second (bits per second or kilobits per second). However, some providers can now give you more realistic bandwidth allocation figures, depending on your niche and industry. Monthly, these hosts can provide you a minimum bandwidth of 2GB and a maximum of 100GB, with an uptime guarantee of 99.95 percent.
Another important feature is the number of add-ons or sub domains they can offer. Most providers now offer unlimited sub domains, including a reasonable charge for the registration of your domain. Some providers also offer a price freeze, which means you don’t have to worry about your monthly service cost as this would remain the same even if the current trend in the market would recommend your host to change its pricing structure and increase their rates.
Why should you choose a shared Linux cPanel hosting plan when a lot of Web hosting providers can include all or some of these features in their Web hosting packages? The main consideration for a beginner Web developer is the experience that you can gain from using cPanel. With cPanel, you can set your preferences for running or operating your website. With the “Getting Started Wizard”, you can easily manage the various phases of the site from your website files and your company emails down to the applications embedded on your Web pages and its security specifications. Aside from these things, the wizard gives you an informative introduction to the concepts of Web hosting and can also help you configure the basic settings of your website.
Another feature of cPanel is the availability of video tutorials that will help you become a professional cPanel user. These videos can easily be viewed, fast-forwarded and paused to help you learn and be trained in navigating through the many features integrated into cPanel. The wizard includes videos about the creation and modification of a database like MySQL, the creation and management of add-ons and sub domains, the management of email and data backup sessions among others. With cPanel hosting, you can also set up and update your contact information from the preferences wizard to receive communications regarding your subscription. You will be asked to provide a secondary email address or an email address other than your hosting email to ensure that you receive notifications like messages letting you know that you are reaching your disk space limit, maximum bandwidth and email quota for your Web hosting account. You can simply put a check mark on the radio buttons provided and save your notification preferences in the wizard.
The preferences tool in your cPanel also allows you to change its style. The overall look of the cPanel interface can be changed by choosing any of the pre-installed themes to improve the convenience of navigating and controlling all the other tools found in the cPanel interface. Another function that you can use is the change language tool. Depending on the needs of the company, you may prefer to modify the language that is used for the interface. In the “Change Language” tool, you can choose from the list of languages found from the drop down menu and click on the “Change” button.
Another tool that you don’t want to miss in cPanel is the “Shortcuts” icon. With this, you can easily create cPanel links that you can access from your desktop or from an Internet browser, so you can work on your website and Web server files via cPanel using your personal computer or any secure computer anywhere.
These are just some of the tools that you can use with cPanel. Your provider can quickly and easily configure these tools for you and some other specialized tools that can be categorized, depending on its use. For example, tools or wizards are available to manage or modify email accounts. With this tool, you can create an email account, set its mailbox quota and generate a default password. With the password generator of the “Email Accounts” wizard, you will even be given an option of creating how weak or strong the password should be on a scale of 0 to 100.
There is also a tool or a shortcut in cPanel that allows you to perform a virus scan on the entire home directory or just your mailboxes. This can be done with just a click on the radio button on the options found in the wizard, then clicking the “Scan Now” button. Of course, the anti-virus software depends on what the provider chose to incorporate with their plans.
Again, there are so many easy-to-use tools in cPanel that a startup company or Web developer can benefit a lot from. With the help of your cPanel Web hosting provider, these can be made available in a plan, making it convenient to manage and operate a website of your own.
Source by Karim K Khan
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