Living a Charity Life: Let’s Donate Gift Cards to a Worthy Cause
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We’ve all done it. Used our gift cards except for the last few dollars or pennies, and then toss them into the bottom of our purse or chest of drawers to be forgotten. Gift card exchange websites won’t accept them and we just never think to shop with them. Know where that unused money goes? Back into the pockets of the retailer. Free money. Why not put those unused cards to a better use?
There could be other reasons for not using your gift card, but in the end it doesn’t matter. Any reason is a great reason to donate to a charity of your choice and this is a perfect opportunity. Whether your card has its full value or you’ve used it down to a quarter, charities can still use them. In most cases, these worthy causes collect the cards, add them together and shop for items they need – from clothing to office supplies and food to building supplies. Just like collecting change in a jar, these cards can add up fast for those in need!
You have several options when deciding where to donate. Why not call your favorite local charity and see if they could use your card? There are other alternatives, as well, such as online gift card resellers who accept cards for a charity of your choice as well as national organizations such as the Red Cross and Make a Wish.
Also, don’t over look the tax deduction you can receive as well. Most charities offer this benefit, so ask. When you do want a receipt, you need to check to see what the available balance is on your card so a tax deductible amount can be put on the donation receipt. This is easy to do with the phone number and / or website on the back of your card.
Source by Susan Schick
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