How to Stop Your Fridge From Freezing Over
How to Stop Your Fridge From Freezing Over Welcome, dear visitors, to your educational and cultural platform (eklil almarfh). We welcome you among the flowers of creativity and the nectar of brotherhood. And we hope that your visit to the platform will be of benefit and achieve the required purpose of the visit.
If your fridge keeps freezing over no matter what setting that you have it on, you’ll need to figure out what the problem is before you can fix it. Fortunately, there are just a couple of things that can cause this problem with fridge freezers, so it shouldn’t take long too narrow down what needs replacement. This is the case no matter what brand you have, whether it is a Whirpool fridge freezer or a Smeg fridge freezer.
The first thing you need to check is your refrigerator’s thermometer. If this is not functioning correctly, it can cause foods to freeze at the lowest setting. You’ll need to take out the thermometer in order to test it. It can be located in different parts of your refrigerator depending on the brand and the model, so check your manual if you still have it. One of the most common spots for it to be found is under the floor at the bottom, but it may also be in the freezer section at the back. Shelves or the floor panel may need to be taken out in order to reach the thermometer. If you find that this is the problem, it should be easy to find a replacement.
If your thermometer is in working order, you may have a faulty door damper that is causing the fridge to freeze over. This isn’t in all models of fridge freezers and is more common in side by side brands. The door damper is a sliding or swinging door that opens and shuts when the temperature settings are adjusted or the door is opened. This door damper problem can be caused by a motor or a broken thermostat.
Finally, your food freezing issues might be caused by a failed cold control. It is simple to check if this is the problem. You’ll need to first put your temperature settings to the middle. If you have two different control switches, they should both be set this way. Then fill three plastic cups with water. Set one on the top shelf, one on the middle, and one on the bottom. Leave them undisturbed for a day. When you check on them twenty-four hours later, they should still have water in them. If they have frozen, the refrigerator problem may be a broken cold control.
After you have determined what is causing your fridge to freeze even at the lowest setting, you can then decide how to repair it. If it is a thermometer problem you may want to replace it on your own. For the more difficult problems you may need to use a professional repair person unless you have experience with home repairs.
Source by Charlie C Dean
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