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How to Fix an Inflatable Water Slide: The Four Most Common Problems

How to Fix an Inflatable Water Slide: The Four Most Common Problems Welcome, dear visitors, to your educational and cultural platform (eklil almarfh). We welcome you among the flowers of creativity and the nectar of brotherhood. And we hope that your visit to the platform will be of benefit and achieve the required purpose of the visit.

Inflatable water slides have become extremely popular and if you are lucky enough to own one you know why. You have come to the right place if you are looking for info on how to fix an inflatable water slide. Banzai Falls happens to be one of the most recognized brands available and one of the best selling. Unfortunately they also seem to be one of the most problematic slides too.

There are some repairs that are easy to fix and some that are beyond all hope. I am going to cover the four most common problems and how you can take care of them yourself and save what is probably one of your kids favorite toys.

1. Mold: Well summer is here again and that that first hot day your kids are begging for the water slide and you unpack it from storage and find it is all moldy. Mold is unsightly and could be a possible health hazard but sometimes if it is not too extensive you can get rid of it. Start by getting a leaner that is safe for polyester canvas I would recommend Aurora Boat Clean Plus. You may want to consider washing your inflatable once a year to help keep is clean.

2. Tear or Puncture in the Fabric: No matter how careful you are with your inflatable water slide a tear or puncture can happen. You may not notice it until you inflate the slide and notice that is is under inflated or not inflating at all. If this happens you should start to hunt for tear in the fabric.

If your slide will not inflate at all the damage may be extensive enough that you can easily find it. If your slide is only slightly less inflated it probably means that the tear is small and may be difficult to find. A trick to make this easier is to inflate the slide and squirt it with a spray bottle filled with a mixture of dish soap and water. If you have a leak the escaping air should cause the mixture to bubble and you can identify the source of your problem. Once you find the leak you may want to check the rest of the slide to make sure there is not more than one.

To repair a rip or tear in the fabric you start by sewing up the hole this is to prevent it from getting bigger. Once you have sewn it up you will need some adhesive and a piece of material for a patch. You can purchase a canvas repair kit from almost anywhere that sells camping equipment they should have them for repairing tents.

Follow the directions that come with the kit just make sure you use a patch big enough to cover the entire rip. If the patch materials are not big enough you can use more than one piece just make sure you overlap the seams by about 1 inch.

3. Splitting Seams: Unfortunately if your slide is coming apart at the seams you have the hardest type of repair to make. Most of the time this type of damage may be too extensive to fix but since these slides are expensive you probably want to give it a shot. You are going to follow the same steps as repairing a hole.

Start by sewing the seam up, be sure to go a little beyond where the split stops. After that is done you are going to cover with the patch material. Then cross your fingers and turn the blower on if the slide holds air then give yourself a pat on the back.

4. A Defective or Broken Blower: If the blower unit is bad unless you have experience with electrical motor repairs then you should really replace it. You can purchase replacement blowers on eBay for anywhere from $50 – $200 depending on the type and condition. You will need to match the blower size and strength to the one you have for it to function correctly.

Banzai Falls is not the only maker of inflatable water slides there are other brands like Blast Zone and Bounceland which in my opinion offer a higher quality product. Banzai seems to have a lot of trouble with durability which leads so many people looking for directions on how to them. I hope you are able to repair your slide but if not check out some of the other brands.

Source by Justin Michael Goodwin
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