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How To Do On Page and Off Page SEO Properly

Welcome, dear visitors, to your educational and cultural platform (eklil almarfh). We welcome you among the flowers of creativity and the nectar of brotherhood. And we hope that your visit to the platform will be of benefit and achieve the required purpose of the visit.

With On Page and Off Page SEO, you can drive more traffic to your blog and attract potential customers, interested in what you have to offer.

It’s not enough to make a blog or website, with cool graphics, compelling content and an attractive offer if nobody sees it.

Search Engine Optimization with the two branches mentioned above allows you to increase your content’s visibility in the search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing or MSN and improve the amount of organic traffic you get.

Let’s talk about On Page and Off Page SEO in detail:

On Page SEO: the total number of changes which can be made directly on your website, so that the search engines will find it and index quickly.

The main elements you must keep in mind when optimizing your pages are:


Before you write a piece of content, look for keywords that are relevant to it and also to your main niche. It’s very important to choose only those keywords with a low level of competition otherwise you won’t be able to reach the page one of Google.

Another aspect is the number of searches! We all want to generate decent amounts of traffic for our keywords! Thus, the best solution is to choose the ones with 1000-5000 global monthly searches.

-Meta tags: title tags, meta description tags and body tags

These either words or phrases included in your page’s HTML code. When they are optimized properly, it’s easier for the Google’s spiders to index a particular page.

-URL structure

This must be short, relevant and must contain the main keyword.

-Keyword density: is a crucial element for On Page and Off Page SEO.

The search engines don’t accept a page full of keywords. As a result, it will not be displayed in the search results. In case you are using a WordPress Blog, there is a great program that calculates and suggests an optimal keyword density. It’s called SEO Pressor!

If you are not using it remember this: the keyword must be in the title, first and last sentence and in your body text (after each 100 words).

Off Page SEO aims to get quality backlinks from authoritative sites in order to drive more traffic to your original page. There are various techniques for that:

– Article Marketing

Take the keyword used in your blog post and write an original article. Put in the resource box 2 links that point to your main blog post. Thus, you have total relevancy! Having an article published on the web it’s like your own piece of real estate. It stays there forever and continues to deliver traffic for you!

-Syndicate your blog content on the most popular social media sites: Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, My Space, Digg and many more others.

-Use a tribe

-Comment on forums from your niche and add in the signature a link to your site.

– Submit your blog in many search engines and blog directories

On Page and Off Page SEO, will definitely help you to improve your traffic and rankings. In addition, if you have a strong marketing funnel in place, then all this traffic can be converted into leads and more sales.

Source by Dascalul Radu
In the end, we hope that our service on the “eklil almarfh” website will be to your satisfaction and admiration, and we are keen to help the honorable visitor by answering the questions that are asked on the platform.

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